Contact Us
How Do I Contact VUDU Performance?
You can reach our sales team on 01924 228042 from Monday to Friday between the hours of 10:00am - 15:00pm.
Please be aware this phone line is for sales queries only.
The sales team will not be able to answer any queries regarding a placed order, a return, file support or accounting information.
Should you have a query relating to one of these matters, please refer to one of the email address listed below.
Using one of these email addresses will direct you to a specific staff member who will be best suited to deal with your enquiry. This mean your enquiry will be responded to at a faster rate and by the staff member who will be able to provide you with the answers you need.

Please contact for any Order Update related enquiries.
Our staff member will be able to answer any queries regarding the orders you have placed, provide any shipping information, etc.

Please contact for any Sales related enquiries.
Our staff member will be able to answer any queries regarding a product enquiry, technical support, finance etc.

Please contact for any Files related enquiries.
Our staff member will be able to answer any queries regarding tuning files and chasing up file support, etc.

Please contact for any Accounts related enquiries.
Our staff member will be able to answer any queries regarding payments, billing information etc.